President Trump’s use of an iPhone has been documented before, but a new report from Politico says he uses two iPhones, and is rather negligent in terms of security…

The report explains that the president uses “at least two iPhones.” One is said to be only capable of making calls, while the other only includes the Twitter application as well as a handful of news sites.

Both of the iPhones are issued by the White House Information Technology and the White House Communications Agency.

According to the report, aides to the president encourage him to swap out his Twitter-dedicated iPhone every 30 days, but Trump purportedly denies that request as he sees it as “too inconvenient.” Trump has reportedly gone as long as five months without having his Twitter iPhone checked by security experts.

During his time in office, President Obama had his White House devices checked by telecommunication staffers every 30 days.

Trump’s call-capable phone also features a camera and microphone, which is change from the device President Obama was issued. The GPS capabilities, however, are disabled.

The president has gone as long as five months without having the phone checked by security experts. It is unclear how often Trump’s call-capable phones, which are essentially used as burner phones, are swapped out.

Politico speculates that Trump’s refusal to follow protocol by having his devices checked every 30 days represents his “personal peculiarities colliding with the demands of his office” as doing so would prevent “his ability to tweet or contact friends freely.”

The full report, which delves deeper into President Trump’s resistance to security protocols, can be read here.