So-called phablets just about quadrupled their marketshare during Q1 of this year thanks largely due to Apple’s first product in the category, the iPhone 6 Plus.

The data comes from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech and shows the phablet market grew to 21% in the first quarter this year, up from just 6% last year. The growth is mostly due to the iPhone 6 Plus, which grabbed 44% of the market during Q1.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus took 44% of this segment. Screen size was cited as the main reason for buying a particular phone by both iOS and Android buyers at 43% and 47%, respectively.

Kantar adds that during the quarter, its data shows that around 11.4% of users switched from Android (vs 14.6% last year). That compares to only 5.9% switching from iOS to Android, down from 9.8% in the year ago quarter. As for smartphone sales in general: “Apple’s overall sales dominated AT&T, Verizon and Sprint where iPhone represented 59%, 43% and 50% of smartphone sales, while Samsung dominated smartphone sales at T-Mobile with a share of 42%.”

Kantar also provided stats today on the growth of iOS during Q1, noting Android switchers drove iPhone growth across EU in Q1 as Apple grew to 26% share in urban China.