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Update: Chronicwire says 1GB of RAM

Besides reiterating a call for an updated Apple TV tomorrow, The Verge has some new information on the upcoming iPad processors and configurations:

We’ve also gotten unverified tips on more RAM in the new iPad so that makes sense, especially in regard to the increased sizes of Retina files in Apps.  However, their information on multiple LTE flavors could be from packaging rather than actual product differentiation.  For instance, a Verizon iPhone 4S is the same product as the AT&T iPhone 4S but they are locked to their own network and can’t be interchanged.  Same part but two separate packages.

That being said, AT&T and Verizon have two different flavors of LTE so that may require two separate devices.

The Verge mentioned cost and perhaps it makes sense for Apple to continue to offer a non-LTE 3G GSM iPad, saving money, space and battery life in those parts of the world where LTE isn’t going to be deployed this year (like my house in the NYC Suburbs).

The Verge also side with the dual core A5X seen in the pictured links from China vs. the Quad-core A6 which seems to be the fashion since the A5X was spotted.

  • Qualcom just announced the chip that would be a one-stop shop for Apple’s mobile needs (9to5mac.com)
  • Reuters: Apple will unveil an LTE iPad tomorrow (9to5mac.com)
  • Reports claim the new iPad will actually be called the ‘iPad HD’ (9to5mac.com)