Mobile analytics firm Flurry published a new report today asserting iOS and Android handsets have experienced adoption at such a supersonic speed that their growth rate has now eclipsed all consumer technology in history.

According to Flurry:

Smartphones making headway as they spread worldwide is nothing new, but their history-making adoption rate is certainly notable. The report illustrated countries with the greatest number of device activations as well as the fasting growing markets. The results indicated the United States sits at No. 1 with 165 million iOS and Android handset activations for July, but China experienced a leading 401 percent activation growth during the same period.

Go to Flurry’s blog for additional statistics and charts. The firm used data from more than 200,000 tracked applications, running on more than 640 million devices worldwide for July alone, to achieve a self-proclaimed 90 percent reliability.

This article is cross-posted at 9to5Google.

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