As the Apple TV continues to receive new channels, Frost & Sullivan’s “Analysis of the Global Consumer Video Devices Market” has the “hobby” device taking the lion’s share of the IP Streaming Devices market in 2012.

Roku took about a fifth of the marketshare and TiVo was down to just 6.5%. Notably, Google TV must have been placed into the “Others” slice of the pie.

Apple’s executives are quick to reiterate their view of the Apple TV as a “hobby device”, even as the content library begins to grow. The $99 device now has Netflix, Hulu Plus, HBO Go, WatchESPN,, NBA, NHL, WSJ Live, Sky News, YouTube, and a few others.

Just last week, Tim Cook and Eddy Cue attended the Sun Valley conference, where many tech and media big shots meet together and many impactful deals are made. Live TV or a larger content library could be in the Apple TV’s near future, depending on the negotiations with content providers and media networks.

(via GigaOM)