A “trusted source” told BGR today that Apple plans to reveal a TV SDK at its Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco next week.

As the report suggested, this would allow third-party devs to build Apple TV-compatible software. The same website also claimed in May that Apple is testing a new “control out” API and wants to demo a refreshed version of the Apple TV operating system at WWDC that will run on the much-rumored Apple HDTV.

Apple’s annual conference currently has many “To Be Announced” sessions listed, which causes many to wonder what the Cupertino, Calif.-based Company has in the works. Daring Fireball’s John Gruber believes the mysterious sessions are simply new apps for Apple TV.

An AppleTV SDK would open the living room up to developers who could write games and other big screen apps, which seems like an amazing opportunity even given the current Apple TV’s limited A5 Single Core CPU. Google, which uses more powerful Atom Processors in its TVs, added the ability to write apps for its TV earlier this year with lackluster results.

While we’ve heard a great deal about next week’s WWDC announcements (wrap up with new App info coming shortly), this AppleTV SDK hasn’t been seen by any of our sources.

Apple will begin WWDC with its keynote presentation at 10 a.m. PST on June 11.

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