Just over a month after launching Apple Pay on the web to bring the payments service to website checkouts via its Safari web browser, new data shows Apple has already made it into the top five payment technologies online.

SimilarTech tapped into its platform that tracks over 30 billion webpages each month and shows that Apple Pay is already the 5th most popular payment platform used by the top 10,000 websites. It maintains the fifth position among the top 100k websites, too. 

Since launching in September alongside iOS 10 and macOS Sierra releases, the data shows that Apple is now available on 0.25% of the sites:

That puts it at almost 10% of leader PayPal which has 2.36% of the top websites (although PayPal’s subscribe button is also #2 and adds an additional 0.98%). And it puts Apple well within reach of #3 Stripe with 0.35% and #4 Braintree with 0.32% of transactions.

Earlier this week Apple launched a new promotion for Apple Pay on the web, offering up curated deals from a growing list of third-party retailers this week. The service could also get a boost to usage when the new MacBook Pros that went on sale late last month arrive to customers in the coming weeks. That will be the first Mac to include a Touch ID sensor for using Apple Pay on the web without the need for an iPhone or Apple Watch to authenticate payments.

The company is expected to start shipping its new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar later this month.