Congressional Black Caucus member and California Congresswoman Barbara Lee has called on Apple to release federal data on the diversity of its workforce, following a meeting with Tim Cook to discuss the issue, reports USA Today.

Apple is one of a number of tech companies that issues its own reports on employee diversity, but refuses to release data from its federally-mandated filing. Companies are required by law to file the information, but are not obligated to make it public … 

Lee said that while Apple was “very committed” to workplace diversity, it needs to demonstrate this by releasing the data.

While Apple has made no public statement about its reasons for not releasing the data, it has previously been reported that tech companies feel that the job classifications on the government’s EEO-1 form are a poor match for the tech industry, and that the data doesn’t show the true picture.

Apple seems to be moving in the right direction. Tim Cook wants his company to look like the country and I think they are very committed to doing everything they can do [but] if they believe in inclusion, they have to release the data so the public knows that they are being transparent and that they are committed to doing the right thing.

Update on Thursday, Aug. 6th:

Representative Lee has confirmed her visit via a Tweet to Apple’s headquarters and meeting with Tim Cook.

CEO Tim Cook has noted on several occasions that he is “not satisfied” with the company’s workforce diversity. Its first report showed that its employees are 70% male and 55% white. Global human resources head Denise Young Smith last month said that Apple had seen “some movement” since that report was published, and promised “more transparency” in a second report to be released later this year.

Previous company initiatives include employee awareness events and scholarships for minorities.