
We told you in May 2011 that a new company called “Taposé” aimed to bring functionality from Microsoft’s dual-screen Courier tablet concept to the iPad. The iPad app was still early in development then, but has since reached its funding goal on Kickstarter. It also received backing from Microsoft’s J Allard who headed the Courier project at Microsoft, and now Apple finally approved it for the App Store:

(Update: It is live now!)

Providing the split-screen functionality is a “Slide Bar” feature that separates the screen into two separate areas for apps. You can also store items like maps, notes, and images in the middle bar to easily move content from one side of the screen to the other. For example: The app’s Kickstarter page explained you can “Drag addresses to Maps for directions” or “Drag and drop from Safari.”

It certainly has not been easy for the developers to get the app approved by Apple; Cnet explained exactly why Apple rejected the app three times, as noted by the developers above: