If you’ve ever wished you could have experienced the Apollo 11 Moon landing, two upcoming augmented reality apps will give you the next best thing.

USA Today, Florida Today, and The Smithsonian Institution are partnering on a real-time AR experience that will allow you to view each aspect of the mission, from lift-off to Moon landing. The experience has been created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the historic achievement …

The 321 Launch app already allows users to enjoy real-time launch experiences of today’s space flights.

Users will get to view the mission in real-time just as it happened 50 years ago. USA TODAY’s emerging technology team created the virtual assets and media is sourced from NASA for the app update featuring the Apollo 11 mission.

From July 16, it will offer the same experience of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, exactly as if it were happening today.

You’ll be able to get in the spirit of things before then, however. Some AR content will be available in the app from July 4, and the USA Today app will bring you up to speed on everything you need to know ahead of the mission itself, starting on July 9.

The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum is also getting in on the act, as you’d expect.