Before I started doing this blogging thing, I was an Apple IT guy/web developer for some mid-sized creative firms in New York and abroad (three cheers if you ever had to deploy OD/Active Directory integrated environments!).  This month, I will attend my first MacTech Conference where like-minded Apple technology professionals gather to hone their skills and learn best practices for doing what we do (well, did in my case; MacTech didn’t exist when I was doing IT).

MacTech Conference is a three-day, immersive, technical conference specifically designed for Apple developers, IT Pros, and Enterprise. “The whole idea of MacTech Conference is to allow members of the Apple community to meet and exchange ideas,” said Conference Chair and Executive Editor of MacTech Magazine Edward Marczak. “This will be spurred on by presentations from some of the best and well-known experts in the community.”

MacTech Conference will have two separate tracks: one focused on programming / development, and the other on IT/Enterprise and consulting. Sessions will focus on desktop and mobile, as well as OS X and iOS.


  • MacTech Conference 2012: Sessions, Speakers and Details