That’s where Referral Factory comes in. It’s referral marketing software designed to make managing referral programs simple. Sure, you could boot your computer and log into Google Sheets or open Excel. You could also try and figure out how to track who’s joined your referral program, how much business they’ve sent your way, how much to pay your referrers, and hope that you don’t miss a vital detail like a zero that leads to an incorrect payment.  But that’s just painful. And when you think about the margin for error, it’s not worth the effort. Your program would be doomed before it has the chance to add to your bottom line. What does Referral Factory have to offer? More than you’d imagine. Read on.


Referral Factory offers four plans. The Starter plan has what you’ll need to launch your very first referral marketing program. If you’d like more flexibility and the option to exercise greater control, the Basic and Pro plans are worth looking at. Integrations, remarketing, and user verification are some of the features you’ll be able to leverage. And the fourth plan is the Enterprise package, a white-labeled solution that offers added data security, enterprise-level hosting, and access to a dedicated referral marketing account specialist to ensure your referral marketing success.  Here’s a look at each plan:

Starter: $95/mo -  Up to 2500 users, unlimited campaigns, access to 1000+ referral program templates, Page builder, and webhooks Basic: $200/mo - includes everything in the Starter plan, up to 25 000 users. Unlimited campaigns, integrate with Hubspot, Salesforce, Intercom, Zapier and many more.Qualify your referrals using a Javascript snippet, webhooks, integrations, or our API. Add remarketing scripts to campaigns, turn on fraud alerts, additional options for user notifications, API Access.

Pro: $300/mo - includes everything in the Basic plan, up to 25 000 users. Unlimited campaigns, remove branding on widgets Turn on user verification, priority support and campaign reviews, add your fonts.

Enterprise:  Starting from $1400 per month - includes everything on Pro, unlimited users, unlimited campaigns. Add teammates to your account. Host campaigns on your own domain. Send notifications from your own mail server. Advanced page builder tools (coming soon). Host your data on your own server. Enterprise billing (no credit card required). Access to a dedicated referral marketing expert.

Ease of Use

“Referral marketing software” sounds like a mouthful, and possibly even more complex to operate. But that’s not the case with Referral Factory. In truth, it makes working with Excel pivot tables look like rocket science. From sign-up to creating and managing referral programs, you’ll find the entire experience not just easy, but fun. 

Creating Your First Campaign

The first action you’re likely to take with a new Referral Factory plan is to create a campaign. To get started, you can click on the Campaigns button in the left-hand menu or click on Go to Campaigns in your dashboard view. 

Next, you can choose to create a campaign from scratch or use a template. Templates are easiest and it’s just a matter of finding one that meets your needs. 

Referral Factory will then offer a subdomain for your campaigns (

With your referral program type selected and subdomain created, it’s time to build your campaign. This is the fun part.  You’ll use a landing page builder to customize the look and feel of your landing page. Choose colors, font, add your copy for each invite and redemption, and select social media sharing buttons.  Referral Factory also lets you select settings like verification and fraud alerts, or add pixels for Google and Facebook, add a meta title and description, and more. Lastly, you also get to customize notification emails to referrers.

Viewing Your Users

To see who’s joined your program, click on the Users button in the left-hand menu.  You’ll find:

A list of all users Email addresses used at sign up The number of referrals they’ve sent your way (and those qualified) Referral codes used The source - where the person came from to your campaign e.g. social or a website Whether referrals have been verified,  The option to take actions like deleting a referrer or qualifying them

You’re also able to import and export referrer data. This is helpful for merging data in your CRM or when you have a list of people that you feel would benefit from your program.

Updating Settings

Settings is where you’ll find integration options and be able to update details on your account. These include the email address notifications are sent from, add a Google Analytics account code, or include a Facebook Pixel ID.

The Features

If you’ve wondered about what features you need to run a successful referral program, this should settle it for you. Referral Factory includes all you need. You’ll be able to invite referrers, manage each relationship, promote your programs like a pro, and much more. Features include: 

Unlimited Campaigns 

Campaigns are how you’ll grow your referral program. They start with the creation of a landing page (more below). Referral Factory offers unlimited campaigns, giving you the opportunity to drive as many offers and grow your business as much as possible. 

1000+ Referral Program Templates

If you’ve never worked in a referral marketing software platform before, the idea of creating a program from scratch may sound a little intimidating. To help, Referral Factory’s put together a list of over 1000 templates you can use. Templates span various industries and business types, and also referral marketing models. For instance, if you’re a hotel manager and want to incentivize guests, you’ll be spoilt for choice. You can offer a single-sided reward (a reward to each referrer), a double-sided reward (a reward to each referrer and their guest), run competitions, and so much more. 

Landing Page Builder

It’s common knowledge that you need web real estate. It’s a must-have to promote offers in an environment you control. Referral Factory gets this and all plans come with a page builder.  The best part? The landing page builder is a no-code tool. That means zero CSS or HTML is required to create full-fledged and professional-looking landing pages. You can build landing pages for campaigns in minutes, making your referral program come to life at lightning speed. Page Builder allows custom font and colors to match your brand guidelines. It also comes with forms to capture referrer information, all of which are immediately pushed to your Referral Factory dashboard.

Automated Rewards

Referrers Invites

Getting the word out about your program starts with inviting referrers. You’re able to do this in a number of ways in Referral Factory, making it possible to leave no stone unturned on the road to campaign success.  That may sound spammy but it isn’t. Referral Factory’s been smart about ensuring engagement with referrers. Through reminder emails, you can reengage with people who’ve received but haven’t taken action on emails. And this is pretty common. People get busy. Reminders are a quick and easy way to drive as much traction for your programs.

User Notifications

User notifications work in a similar way to invites but are used to let referrers know that someone’s signed up for your program using your link. It’s a smart idea and creates the right amount of engagement around your brand and program, motivating more people to share far and wide.

Social Sharing

Social media is a powerful promotional tool. People often use it to share content they feel will help their network get ahead in some way. Using social media sharing buttons, you can capitalize on this pay-it-forward movement, and get the word out about your amazing program.

Remarketing Scripts

Remarketing is a highly-effective. Stats show that the average retargeting ad can yield a 10x higher CTR than a display ad. And you can cash in on the power of remarketing through scripts. This is a little more advanced than other features, but something that can drastically improve your program’s adoption rate if used.

User Verification and Fraud Alerts

Anything online for free will attract a lot of attention. This often leads to abuse of programs. Referral Factory created user verification and fraud alerts to help. User verification sends a verification code to users when they sign up for your program. This ensures that only legitimate users are able to join. Fraud alerts help prevent multiple sign-ups. When someone attempts to join the program multiple times from the same IP address or with an email address that contains a “+”, Referral Factory will flag the sign-ups.


Referral Factory comes with three powerful native integrations and a collection of Zapier Zaps. Native integrations are with HubSpot, Intercom, and Salesforce and are used to leverage CRM capabilities. For each integration, you’ll be able to sync a campaign with your CRM to import leads from a referral program and assign lead statuses. Zapier webhooks will let you perform similar actions, and they are managed through your dashboard. 

API Access

For developers who want a little more out of Referral Factory, you can gain access to the platform’s REST API.


Referral Factory is a referral marketing software platform. It includes all you need to create and manage successful referral programs. With it, you can invite referrers, offer single-sided and double-sided rewards, run competitions, and use other referral program models to incentivize your audience. You can also track the success of your program through your dashboard, and prevent it from being abused with the help of verification and fraud alerts. For people who want integrations, it’s also able to sync up with some CRMs, letting you import all sign-ups and assign lead status to them.  Referral Factory is easily the perfect fit for brands of all sizes. Its feature set, easy-to-use interface, and integrations make it a tool anyone can turn to and quickly churn out a professional referral program. It’s also affordable and offers three plans that appeal to any brand’s budget.

Frequently Asked Questions What is Referral Factory Pricing? Starter: $95/mo Basic: $200/mo Pro: $300/mo Does Referral Factory offer integrations? Yes. Integrations include HubSpot, Intercom, and Salesforce. You can also use Zapier and create webhooks. Does it come with referral tracking? Yes. Referral Factory tracks the success of every referrer in your program. It also sends user notifications to referrers when someone uses their referral code. Is this referral software free? Referral Factory offers a 15-day no-credit card trial. Is this easy to use and simple referral software? It is. Referral Factory’s interface is as intuitive as it can be for a referral software platform. You don’t need to be a developer or coder to create campaigns or track the success of your programs.