Redditors are having fun after Niantic announced new measures to deter cheating in Pokémon Go …

The company said that anyone detected using third-party services to cheat – like those which fake your GPS location – will find the Pokémon caught in this way ‘may not behave as expected.’ While Niantic didn’t get any more specific than that, Redditors didn’t waste any time in coming up with their own suggestions.

Feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments …

I hope it eats the pokemon around it in your inventory.

So… tapping the screen sometimes throws up a message like “Dragonite is loafing around” or “Tyranitar is taking a nap” or “Blissey isn’t listening”, and then it becomes unresponsive for a few seconds.

I think it would be neat if they behaved similarly to a confused pokémon, and all of their attacks just hurt themselves instead of the opponent.

Niantic recently announced major changes to the way that gyms and gym battles work, with new social features also promised.