In the latest, and possibly weirdest, exploit found in Red Dead Redemption 2, players have discovered that vomiting in just the right way is an excellent method to traverse canyons and save their lives. Using character vomit can save HP during events that would otherwise lead to death – if you’ve got the guts for it.

RDR2 is known for its immersive gameplay, particularly in the detailed single-player mode, where players make critical life choices for the main character, Arthur Morgan. As Morgan, players navigate outlaw gangs, take odd jobs around the Old West, and find peace in the minutiae of hunting, fishing, or trying out new beards. And in a game where horse testicles realistically shrivel up in cold weather, it’s no surprise that you can eat and drink much of what you find, too. That’s where players have discovered this latest and grossest loophole.

While many are already trying out the new technique, you can see exactly how it works, thanks to darereal’s brief YouTube guide. The key is eating a food that will induce Morgan to vomit: The poison of choice is the readily available bulrush (similar to a cattail), which players can stuff down their throats in the wild. They then position Morgan at the edge of the cliff and jump down just as he begins to vomit up the bulrush. The vomit stays at the top of the cliff but extends down to follow Morgan as he falls. As long as the vomiting lasts, Morgan doesn’t take fall damage from a height that would typically kill him immediately.

No, it’s not exactly like Spider-Man, and it’s not entirely clear why it works, but players are already begging developer Rockstar to keep the exploit instead of patching it. However, there are some definite advantages to vomit-roping: Some are already using it to rapidly scale down cliffs when doing certain quests or runs as a method to save time. No one has yet discovered a multiplayer advantage to the trick, but if there is one, it will undoubtedly be uncovered. At this point, Rockstar Games hasn’t commented on the exploit.

RDR2 has already become a great place to try out a wide variety of mods, including some jokes that have angered the developer. Bugs and exploits like these, however, are a little sweet because they are accessible by everyone, no matter how surprising they may be. Plus, Rockstar has enough double-headed skeletons to worry about right now, so fixing a vomit plunge may be lower on its list. If you’re an RDR2 player who wants to try bungee jumping on a string of your puke, now is the time!

Next: Red Dead Online Has Somehow Been Created in PS4’s Dreams

Source: darereal via YouTube