In addition to implementing several bug fixes with iOS 7.0.x updates, Apple has simplified its user-interface for the iPhone 5s’s new Burst Mode camera feature in iOS 7.0.2. For those unfamiliar, Burst Mode allows a user to keep their finger on the Camera app’s shutter button in order to capture photos at a rate of 10 pictures per second. This ability allows a user to capture a good image in action sequences or at other times.

Previously, the feature would present a user with all of their photos from a Burst Mode session in one group. If a user liked a particular photo (or multiple photos) from the Burst Mode session, the user could swipe between all of the photos from the group and select their favorites. When the user chose the favorites, they would be duplicated into standalone images in the Camera roll. The rest of the photos from Burst Mode session would remain as an original group in the Camera Roll.

Because photos from the 8 megapixel camera take up so much space, retaining the entire group of photos could have caused a negative effect on what users could store on their iPhones. With iOS 7.0.3, Apple has rectified this potential issue by making it simple to choose favorite images from the Burst Mode session and delete the other photos. This can be seen in the image above. GottaBeMobile first reported the enhancement, and we’ve verified the change occurred in iOS 7.0.2 earlier this month.

Instead of just duplicating and retaining the original session, a user is prompted to either only keep their favorite photos (and delete the rest) or still keep all the Burst Mode shots.