The DCEU hasn’t had the best track record since it kicked off with 2013’s Man Of Steel. The quality of the films is severely unbalanced, and any attempts to form a coherent, stable universe have failed outright. While the DCEU is hanging on by a thread thanks to tent-pole hits like Wonder Woman and Shazam, its future is uncertain.

It’s obvious the DCEU will never enjoy the harmonious success of Marvel’s own MCU universe, and with stand-alone films like Joker achieving monumental success outside of the established ecosphere, the time may be right to quash the franchise as a whole and start again. If the upcoming The Batman fails to deliver, the DCEU should get the ax and wait a while, before returning with a more cohesive vision. This list features 10 DCEU films we would release in chronological order if we had ultimate power!


It was a slight mistake to release Man Of Steel before a Batman film, primarily because it gave up the opportunity to establish the DC world’s bleak nature. Superman is a beacon of hope, but if the world is already fine and dandy, his presence yields less impact. By starting a fresh new DCEU with Batman, audiences would get to see the rougher side of cities like Gotham, which could serve as a template for society overall.

We aren’t sure what Robert Pattinson’s The Batman holds in store in terms of plot, but a revised film could focus on an established Bruce Wayne cleaning up Gotham after years of crime and neglect. No need for an origin story on this one. It’s been overdone at this point.


Barry Allen could take center stage in the second rebooted DCEU release in order to introduce the superpower element into the equation. In contrast to a dark Batman film, The Flash could prove to be more adventurous, comedic and fast-paced by comparison.

This one would definitely require an origin story in order to give proper weight to Allen as a character. In addition, we could see Allen’s close friends like Dick Grayson appear, which could lead to further DCEU developments down the road. Main villain? Definitely Reverse-Flash.


The man of steel should make his appearance in the third film in order to allow human characters to establish the initial narrative. By bouncing back and forth between darker and lighter tones with Batman and The Flash, Superman could then take center stage and bring the concepts of enlightenment and hope to the forefront.

This would also be a good opportunity to let others know about his presence on Earth, creating a space to tease the introduction of future characters in the DCEU spectrum.


Bringing Oliver Queen to the DCEU would mean having another billionaire besides Bruce Wayne to add to the story. Any possible sequel could focus on Queen losing his fortune (as per the comic book storyline) which could prepare him for an eventual role within the Justice League.

This initial Green Arrow film shouldn’t be a rehash of Batman’s quest to protect Gotham City, but something altogether different. As a billionaire, Queen could attract a heavier class of bad guy, such as Count Vertigo.


Wonder Woman would definitely need to make her appearance by this point, driven primarily by Superman’s decision to reveal himself to the world. She wouldn’t necessarily need an origin story, just a flashback or two to establish her character’s history.

It might serve the larger DCEU narrative to have Wonder Woman be the character who unearths the first hints of a major threat coming to Earth. This could be a secondary plot device that ends up becoming a major focus of future films (like the Tesseract did for the MCU), which prompts her to venture out and find Superman, leaving the film on a cliffhanger.


By bringing Green Lantern into the DCEU, the story could turn into an Infinity War-style connected epic where the titular hero recognizes the same threat and sets a course for Earth to warn their most powerful heroes. Naturally, Green Lantern could benefit from an origin story, but it shouldn’t be the focus of the film.

The main story arc should focus on a threat blossoming into an even greater one, which gives ample time for Green Lantern’s character development, as well as the drafting of a bridge between films.


We’d definitely adapt the character of Shayera Hol for this particular film, giving the DCEU another intergalactic character besides Green Lantern and Superman to round out the cast. As a police officer from the planet Thanagar, Hawkwoman could adapt a Silver Age storyline focusing on her pursuit of arch-villain Byth Rok to Earth.

Rok’s ability to shapeshift at will could prove to be an excellent contrast to the villains faced by other DCEU characters. Some minor tweaks to the plot could see Rok as part of the greater threat that will eventually touch down on Earth.


The table is now set for a Justice League film. All the major characters will have established themselves at this point. Justice League’s story would be best served as two separate films, with the first focusing on the characters finding each other, clashing, and sorting out their differences while learning of the threat that’s coming for them.

By the end of the film, the fledgling team should have crossed paths with a number of baddies sent on preemptive strikes against Earth, paving the way for the film’s final cliffhanger - the arrival of Darkseid!


With Darkseid finally making his appearance, the tone of the film should definitely shift into darker territory, with the fate of the world at stake. Here, the newfound heroes would need to combine their might to fend off his immense onslaught.

While this might seem a bit Thanos-esque in approach, there needn’t be a battle with stakes as high as losing trillions of lives with a finger-snap. Darkseid should be less about one villain’s twisted hero complex, and more about his sheer capacity for evil and cruelty. By the time the heroes emerge victorious, the Justice League should be officially formed, paving the way for a new series of films.


It would make sense for Superman to end out the first phase of DCEU films on a high note, with the Justice League’s recent victory against Darkseid attracting the attention of other beings in the galaxy such as Bertron, the scientist who would later create the nightmarish Doomsday.

Bertron could be an underling working with General Zod, who could also make an appearance in an effort to take over planet Earth. Though the film would conclude on a high note, a post-credits scene could see Bertron beginning working on Superman’s eventual destroyer, adding a tint of dread into Phase II of the DCEU!