22-year old singer and YouTuber Rebecca Black opens up about how her viral song ‘Friday,’ which came out 9 years ago, has taken an emotional toll on her. Black shared an emotional Instagram post about the struggle of being internet famous for the wrong reasons.

Black’s song ‘Friday’ came out in 2011, which immediately went viral. The singer was mocked for her song’s simple and straight forward message about hanging out with friends on Friday. The tween’s career took off and she faced a lot of mocking and bullying from the track. Ever since then, Black’s music career hasn’t been recognized further. However, she did follow up with a song called “Saturday” with little success. Regardless, the singer has garnered attention on her YouTube channel, which currently has 1.6 million subscribers.

Nine years after becoming a pop-culture icon, Black opened up on her Instagram about the personal struggles she has faced since the song’s release. In the photo, Black is seen sitting at the edge of a bed in a tight black dress with red boots and red lipstick. People can hardly recognize her as the 13-year-old girl in the “Friday” video. Her photo caption reads, “9 years ago today a music video for a song called “friday” was uploaded to the internet. above all things, i just wish i could go back and talk to my 13 year old self who was terribly ashamed of herself and afraid of the world.” Check out Black’s full Instagram post below:

She went on to talk about the depression she faced as a teen as a result of the bullying from viewers and even bullying in school. She told the story of when she was in school and people would throw food at her and her friends. Black also talked about how the song itself ruined her opportunities within the music industry. Just 3 years ago when she was 19, a music producer told her they never would work with her. Even just a few days ago Black admitted to feeling disgusting when she looked at herself in the mirror, she ended the caption on a more positive note stating, “I’m trying to remind myself more and more that every day is a new opportunity to shift your reality and lift your spirit. you are not defined by any one choice or thing. time heals and nothing is finite. it’s a process that’s never too late to begin. and so, here we go!”

Rebecca’s journey to self-acceptance seems to be starting and lots of people in her comments responded kindly, wishing her luck, calling her beautiful, and even saying they still love the song. Rebecca Black has other content and more music on her YouTube channel.

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Source: Rebecca Black