While one can be born royal or marry the crown, it takes a special kind of leader to be elected president. Real princesses are rulers in their own way, but there’s much more to managing a country than the topaz tiaras or bouffant ball gowns that Disney princesses are famous for. A president must have a vision for their country, a plan to achieve it, and the ability to win the hearts of voters. Was Disney considering this when creating their regal characters and movie plots? Probably not.

In fact, very few Disney princess movies mention leading a country at all. Nevertheless, these 11 ladies of the official Disney princess lineup each have their own unique qualities that would aid them in becoming president (and a few that might be a slight hindrance).

Snow White

Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is all about the working class and wants to make things easier for those digging their way through life. She promotes teamwork and encourages everyone to do their best (and take a rest). This soft-spoken woman is also used to working around many men (which, let’s face it, there are a lot of in Congress) and is not afraid of telling them what to do.

Timeliness, however, is not her strong suit. When asked when things will get done, she often replies with, “Someday…” Still, she wants to take a bite out of the presidency and suck the poison from society!


It may take more than the wave of a magic wand, but Cinderella is sure she could wipe the floor with her competition and become a charming president. She listens wholeheartedly to the people’s concerns, and she longs to make everyone’s dreams and wishes come true. Cinderella is also used to serving others and would be humbled to wait on her country’s hand and foot. She can be a bit mousey and cares about things that others may deem as “for the birds.” Cindy also tends to fall apart after midnight, but she seems like a “shoe-in” for president!


Aurora, the princess from Sleeping Beauty, can always put her finger on a problem and get right to the point of the issues. With a gleam in her eyes for politics, she would love to set the country spinning in the right direction. She is passionate about the environment, particularly the flora and fauna, and she will merrily weather through whatever it takes to take care of them, as they have taken care of her. While she is a beauty, she has been known to fall asleep on the job. Even so, her truth and virtue would make her a cherished president for her country.


The Little Mermaid’s Ariel wants to be where the people are. Her campaign slogan would be “Part of your world,” thus catering to humans of all classes and parties. She knows how to listen and doesn’t let her voice overpower others. She’s also no stranger to signing documents, and she’s not afraid to give up part of herself for someone else.

Her only pitfalls are that she can sometimes be a fish out of the water, and she’s still trying to get up on her feet. However, life would surely be the bubbles if Ariel were president!


Belle from Beauty and the Beast views her country’s citizens as guests at her table, and she sees the good in even the most beastly of people. This beauty wants to bring just a little change to politics, something that wasn’t there before, perhaps ruling like the places she’s read of in her books. Rumor has it that she favors the Tea Party (and she even has her own pot and cup). While Belle is an avid reader, she often has her head in the clouds. She’s a bit strange, no question, but she’s eager to put her service to the test!


Jasmine from Aladdin wants to bring about a whole new world, standing for justice, freedom, and people making their own choices! She feels a great sense of devotion to her country and wants to upgrade some outdated and unfair laws.

Jasmine is always one step ahead of the game, working to grant every wish of her country’s people. She can be slightly materialistic and easily fooled, and she sometimes lets her heart decide rather than making decisions with her head. However, you’re not going to find another girl like her in a million years. You’ve definitely never had a president like Jasmine!


Pocahontas is the type of person who understands that the country is painted with all colors of people, and she believes in equality for every race and unity among them. She is down to earth, listens with her heart, and cares deeply for the planet and all who inhabit it. Pocahontas is also a strong proponent of world peace and uses her free spirit to bring people together. This girl is no savage, but she doesn’t like to spend too much time indoors and goes wherever the wind takes her. Whatever lies just around the river bend, President Pocahontas should definitely be in the future.


When looking at Mulan’s reflection, we see a girl worth fighting for. This fearless guy—uh… we mean gal—is ready to get down to business to defeat the problems of today’s society. She’s got a brain, speaks her mind, and she certainly isn’t afraid to go to war when necessary. She is even a veteran, having fought for her country before.

If someone asked for a miracle, Mulan is the answer. She can sometimes be secretive and isn’t entirely sure of who she really is, but she is ready to step into The Man’s shoes and be the best warrior she can be!


When it comes to presidents and other political leaders, the country may have to kiss a few frogs before it finds someone fit for the job. That someone just so happens to be Tiana from The Princess and the Frog. While some people take the easy way in life, she knows you have to work to make things happen. She’s always cooking up a plan to reach her goals, and she would do the same for her country. Her system has a few bugs in it, but, if you’re feeling a bit green about the presidential election, Tiana is the woman for you.



At last, we’ve seen the light! Rapunzel from 2010’s Tangled is the crystal clear choice for president and will brush away the competition (even if she only wins by a hair). Similar to great leader Martin Luther King Jr., she’s got a dream and just knows that others do too. Rapunzel is concerned about the people’s well being and does what she can to help heal those in need as well as get them out of hairy situations.

She’s somewhat of a shut-in and only just recently began exploring the world around her, but she’s glowing with excitement and eager to be the lantern in the sky that her country can look to for hope!


Merida from Brave is equipped to rule the country without a man by her side, always keeping her eye on the target and her arrow pointed in the right direction. Her bravery and strength are exactly what is needed to mend the bond between her country and others.

Merida has a sense of adventure, takes pride in her independence, and can hardly bear when someone tells her what to do. It has been asked if she understands the level of difficulty the presidency would bring, as she has described it as, “a piece of cake.” Even if it means breaking tradition, Merida wants to do what is right, which is what every president should aim for.