Ever since Real Housewives Of New Jersey premiered in May 2009, the cast members have been giving reality TV fans a lot of dramatic episodes to watch. From Teresa and Melissa’s long-standing family feud to the friendship problems that most of the women seem to have, the show is known for shouting, table-flipping (sometimes), and compelling TV.

Now that the tenth season of the popular Bravo series is underway, how do the cast members stack up? Here are 10 members of the cast of Real Housewives Of New Jersey, ranked.

Danielle Staub

Danielle Staub gets the number 10 spot on this list because she’s mean-spirited and always seems up for an argument. She was a big part of the cast in seasons one and two, and when she came back in season 8, it didn’t seem like she had learned anything about being a nicer, more compassionate person.

Danielle and Teresa famously had an argument in the first season where Teresa got so mad that she literally flipped a table, and Danielle spent a lot of time complaining that she wasn’t being treated well. But she wasn’t very nice to the other cast members, so it felt kind of strange.

Jennifer Aydin

Jennifer Aydin is a new addition to the cast of Real Housewives Of New Jersey. She’s not very likable as most of her scenes consist of her talking about plastic surgery, since that’s the career that her husband has, or buying her children countless gifts to make sure that they’re happy.

Fans of the Bravo franchise are used to seeing people talking about how much money they have and also spending that cash… but this seems like it’s on another level. In the season 10 premiere, Jennifer says that her husband has been super romantic lately and has been giving her liposuction. That’s just icky.

 Jackie Goldschneider

Jackie Goldschneider has also been on the show as long as Jennifer. She seems like a really cool person and her time on the show has mostly consisted of her talking about her estranged sister, hanging out with her family, and talking about her work as a parenting writer.

While Jackie feels like a regular person and it’s interesting to get a window into her life, that’s not really why people watch a reality series like Real Housewives. Jackie’s not really here for the drama and seems to want everyone to just get along. When she writes a column after witnessing the chaos at Jennifer’s house, Jennifer is totally pissed off, but even that argument falls flat because Jackie knows she was just following her gut and writing about something that she found fascinating.

Margaret Josephs

Margaret Josephs is ranked number 7 on this list because while she seems like a fun person to hang out with, she doesn’t seem to get along that well with the other women.

While that would normally be a good thing since it would mean drama, her scenes focus on her life as a designer or her marriage or her amazing, quirky mom. She’s not often part of the most entertaining storylines, and last season, she got into quite a few arguments with Danielle Staub. But since no one is a fan of Danielle, that wasn’t that interesting to watch, either.

Dolores Catania

Dolores Catania takes the number six spot on the list because she honestly doesn’t seem like someone who should be on a reality TV show. She’s fairly even-keeled and still lives with her ex-husband, Frank. While some people think that they have a super strange relationship since they’re still good friends, it’s hard not to think that it’s pretty adorable.

Sure, Dolores gets mad sometimes and can be part of some dramatic storylines, but not as much as some of the other Housewives.

Siggy Flickr

Siggy Flickr, who is no longer on Real Housewives Of New Jersey, is ranked at number five. Sometimes, she was a sweet friend to Dolores and the other women, and it was interesting to learn about her career as an author and motivational speaker. She cares deeply about her children, who are growing up and preparing to go off to college, and she’s loyal to a fault.

But other times, Siggy was crying all the time and seemed to take everything too seriously, which is why she got the nickname “Soggy Flickr.” While there’s nothing wrong with having feelings and actually expressing them, it seems like the other cast members wondered why she was always so upset.

Jacqueline Laurita

Jacqueline Laurita is gone from RHONJ, but she was a huge staple on the series and her scenes made for really good TV. Whether she and Teresa were going through yet another friendship breakup or trying to make up, she wore her heart on her sleeve and always felt like a very caring person.

RHONJ featured many family members in the early seasons as Jacquelin’s husband, Chris, has two sisters, Dina and Caroline, who were also on the show. Jacqueline was shown to be a good mom, as her daughter, Ashley, went through some tough times, and her son, Nicholas, is autistic. She was always a welcome part of the show and it would be great if she came back, although it doesn’t seem like she will since her family just left New Jersey for Nevada.

Caroline Manzo

While Caroline Manzo is also no longer on the show, her presence is deeply missed. Caroline has a big family and it was always fun to watch her hanging out with her husband, Albert, and her three kids, Albie, Christopher, and Lauren.

Caroline is loud and not afraid to speak her mind and, therefore, perfect for reality TV. She and Teresa didn’t get along very well, and whenever Caroline was onscreen, it was really entertaining. She has a great sense of humor as well, which is often needed when so much fighting is going on.

Melissa Gorga

Melissa Gorga is Teresa’s sister-in-law as she married Teresa’s brother Joe. Melissa is the second-best housewife on RHONJ as she’s charming, sweet, and likable but not scared of confrontation. She keeps her sense of humor intact as she deals with her husband and kids, and she’s really grown over the years as she’s opened up her clothing boutique, Envy.

Melissa really brings the drama, as she and Teresa are often not speaking… or speaking but fighting a lot. Since they’re family, things can get heated, and they often do. It’s impossible to picture this show without Melissa.

 Teresa Giudice

Who else but Teresa Giudice could be number one on this list ranking the Real Housewives Of New Jersey? Whether she’s mispronouncing words, telling her own version of events that makes absolutely zero sense, or fighting with Melissa and her brother Joe, she’s always a compelling person to watch.

Teresa’s been fighting a legal battle for the past little while and that, along with the way that her family life has changed, has definitely translated to some gripping reality TV.