Since April 2016, fans of the Bravo reality series The Real Housewives have been able to tune into the Dallas addition. The fourth season premiered in September 2019 and features ladies who live in this Texas city and how they deal with their friendships, charity work, parties, and marriages and family life.

The franchise is no stranger to arguments and huge amounts of drama. The Dallas version isn’t different in that regard, but it has its own special something that has won it many fans. There have been 9 housewives on the Dallas addition to this popular franchise, so let’s take a look at how we would rank the cast members.

 D’Andra Simmons

In many of her scenes on Real Housewives Of Dallas, D’Andra Simmons is exchanging some super tense words with her mom over her business. This is pretty awkward to watch and it seems like such a personal matter that it’s strange that she would agree to be on a reality show.

D’Andra is ranked the lowest on this list of Real Housewives Of Dallas cast members as her family life seems really stressful, and it doesn’t make for the most entertaining TV. Fans want to see friendship fractures and wild party moments, not someone upset over their company. It’s kind of a bummer.

Tiffany Hendra

Tiffany Hendra appeared on the first three seasons of the series but she’s now considered a “guest” cast member.

Tiffany’s scenes with her husband, Aaron Hendra, who is a musician, are always adorable and sweet. It’s clear that they really love each other and that their marriage is a real one. But beyond that, she doesn’t play a huge role on the show.

Cary Deuber

Cary Deuber, who is now a “friend” and not a major cast member as of the season four premiere, is ranked number 7 on this list. She and her husband, Mark, who is a plastic surgeon, can come off as fairly pretentious and annoying at times.

Much of the drama surrounding Cary is about her marriage to Mark, as people think that he’s too interested in shopping and helping her pick out her outfits. The couple is super obsessed with Zurich and often talk about how they’re going to spend time there, and it doesn’t seem like they really fit in with the other cast members.

Kameron Westcott

Kameron Westcott spends a lot of time on the show talking about how she wants to start a dog food business where the food is actually pink… and it’s a little weird. No one seems to think that it would actually work, and that’s awkward.

Kameron is ranked number 8 on this list of the Real Housewives Of Dallas cast members as she seems kind of uncomfortable in front of the cameras and like she’s trying to be likable. It’s hard to know if fans are really seeing the real Kameron as she seems to want to keep up appearances and be perfect. She also wants her family to appear flawless and advanced, like in the scenes when she keeps saying that her kids speak another language.

Kary Brittingham

Kary Brittingham serves two main purposes on the show: to have some tension with LeeAnne (which many of the cast members seem to do) and to talk about the concerns that she has about her marriage. Her husband, Eduardo, is in charge of the money, and she realizes that’s not the best thing.

Kary has said on the show that if he divorced her, she wouldn’t have any cash, and that’s definitely scary to think about. While Kary’s storyline is actually pretty sad and serious, it’s a realistic thing that many people go through, so she’s a good addition to the show.

Marie Reyes

At first glance, Marie Reyes is a kind person who does charity work, is a registered nurse, and would never start a fight. But she’s part of a hugely dramatic storyline on the show: LeeAnne and Tiffany say that Marie humiliated LeeAnne by telling everyone that LeeAnne had, um, an accident.

There’s a lot of talk about poop on this show, which some fans will think is funny and others will find pretty gross, and everyone is entitled to their own feelings on this topic. Whether Marie really spilled this story or not, she’s an interesting part of the cast as this was an entertaining storyline to follow.

LeeAnne Locken

There’s always a token villain on The Real Housewives and LeeAnne Locken is the person who everyone fights with on RHOD. But she’s a really entertaining part of the cast and the show would seem really different without her.

Whether LeeAnne is lamenting the fact that she’s not married to Rich Emberlin yet, like she did in the first season, or she’s acting like she’s single-handedly running the Dallas charity scene, she’s always fun to watch.

Stephanie Hollman

Stephanie and Brandi are the best of friends and they even have a podcast together called “Weekly Dose Of BS.” Their friendship is one of the best parts of Real Housewives Of Dallas and they are definitely the two best cast members.

The two pals spend a lot of time laughing hysterically (often talking about bathroom humor) and while at times they’re pretty immature, they seem to share a real and genuine connection that is really nice to see, especially on a reality TV show. They are always honest about their marriage and family struggles. And when they stopped talking to each other for months on end, that was painful to watch but also relatable.

Brandi Redmond

Brandi Redmond is the number one best cast member on Real Housewives Of Dallas as she’s sweet, hilarious, and a good friend, wife, and mother. Brandi gets real about topics that aren’t often discussed, like when she opens up to Stephanie in season two that she had a miscarriage.

Brandi seems like a lot of fun and it’s always great to see her on the show. She really sums up the spirit of Real Housewives Of Dallas: she’s up for a good time but she’s going to stand up for herself and the people that she loves, too.